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What if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?We do offer basic IV hydration (fluids only) to pregnant women and can add on some of our medication, nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This can be especially helpful if you are experiencing hyperemesis gravidarum. We even have our very own PNW Baby Bump IV! We are also more than happy to collaborate with your attending OB provider for specific IV infusions and/or booster shots as appropriate for your specific needs that will keep both you and your baby safe & healthy. We can provide certain IV Therapies and Booster shots when you are breastfeeding or trying to conceive to help boost energy, immunity and recovery.
Do I need to fill out a medical form?Yes, medical history and consent forms must be filled out prior to receiving any service(s). In addition, you must have a consultation with one of our practitioners at least annually to review your history, needs, goals and receive our services.
Do you accept health insurance?No, we do not accept health insurance. However, we do accept Health Savings Account (HSA) & Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds* *Please verify with your specific HSA/FSA service provider to ensure they cover our services
What type of payments do you accept?We accept; Cash, Gift Cards, Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express Debit/Credit Cards. We also accept payments via HSA & FSA Debit Cards* *Please verify with your specific HSA/FSA service provider to ensure they cover our services
Does IV Hydration Therapy hurt?You may feel a "pinch" with the insertion of the needle, but it should not be painful. If needles aren't your thing, we are experts at distraction and other techniques to help you get comfortable for IV placement. The needle is only there in the beginning to puncture the skin and wall of the vein and is then removed to allow the small "straw-like" angiocatheter to remain in the vein while you receive your customized IV. This allows for comfort and movement while you are getting infused.
How long does IV Hydration Therapy take?IV Hydration Therapy typically takes anywhere from 20-60 minutes depending on the amount of fluid being administered. It provides 100% absorption while flushing toxins and helping achieve a quick balance within the body with lasting effects for 2-4 or more days. We generally recommend IV Hydration Therapy no more than once a week, with the exception of Pre- and Post-therapies that can be administered before and after an event/competition/surgery/procedure etc. in the same week. Some of our specialty drips, such as NAD+ can take several hours.
Can anyone get IV Hydration?Certainly! Anyone can benefit from IV Hydration. Our process ensures everyone who fills out our medcial form is reviewed by our practitoners before services are provided. There are times when we have to turn people away because their medical history or current situation is not suited for our IV Hydration Therapies. However, we may be able to offer them an alternative from our shot bar! Due to our current medical protocols, we do NOT treat anyone under 18 years old without a legal parent or guardian present and based on evaluation and need determined by our provider.
Who is going to start my IV and administer the services?PNW Hydration & Wellness staff is made up of highly trained Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNPs) and Registered Nurses (RNs) with years of experience. Our professional staff take pride in providing top notch care and services that are safe and effective. We also have highly trained Medical Assistants (MAs) in our office as well and they help with everything EXCEPT the IVs, as it is outside of their scope of practice.
Which IV is best for me?PNW Hydration & Wellness has several options for IV Therapies, Booster Shots and Add-Ons. Based on your medical history and needs, our professional medical staff can provide a thorough explanation of the IV Therapies and other services we offer to help determine what would be best for you. If you don't see anything on our service menu that is specific to your needs, want or goals, our practitioners can tailor therapies to suit your individual needs, wants or goals. Contact us or click the link at the top of the page for an appointment to come in and see us to maximize your health and wellness today.
Can I get both an IV Therapy and a Booster Shot from the shot bar on the same day? (Copy)Absolutely! In fact, this is the ideal recommendation. Our shot bar is a great way to take advantage of your IV Therapy by adding medications, electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, amnio acids and antioxidants to any drip that does not already include it or as a separte intramuscular (IM) injection.
IV Hydration Therapy or Emergency Department?PNW Hydration & Wellness is NOT a substitute for medical attention and we do not diagnose or treat any illness, injury or disease. If you just requrie hydration or a booter shot from the shot bar the difference between us and the Emergency Department (ED) is the cost, convenience and comfort. The average ED cost is high and wait times are long, plus add in potential exposures to other illnesses while there. PNW Hydration & Wellness IV services are more economical and only take approximately 20-60 minutes. Our concierge service is offered for groups of 4 or more for an additional service fee that depends on location. Please contact us for more details.
I eat a healthy diet and take supplements, would I benefit from IV therapy?"Yes! Eating a healthy well-balanced diet and using supplements is something we should all do. However, you never get 100% absorption from taking food and supplements orally. Intaking nutrients via IV therapy is easier for your body to absorb than pills and you get the benefit of 100% absorption vs only 20-50% of what you are ingesting orally. The IV route is the ONLY way to get 100% absorption because it is going directly into your bloodstream.
What is your Medical Weight Loss ProgramPNW Hydration & Wellness is pleased to offer a Medically Managed Weight Loss Program We are using two of the most promising new weight loss medications to hit the market in years! Semaglutide & Tirzepatide! What are Semaglutide & Tirzepatide? Semaglutide is a Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1), that is administered by injection into your subcutaneous tissue once weekly. This once a week injection was intended for those with Type 2 Diabetes and was found to work extremely well for adults who are overweight/obese and have medical conditions related to their weight. It is known under the brand names; Ozempic and Wegovy Tirzepatide is also a GLP-1 AND a Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypedtide (GIP). In addition to the GLP-1 benefits the GIP benefits help stimulate real-time, meal-time insulin secretion. It is known under the brand names: Mounjaro and Zepbound More and more studies are emerging about the benefits of these medications far beyond diabetes and weight control. Our comprehensive Medically Managed Weight Loss Program includes one of these injectable medications, B12/Slim Shot as an adjunct, coaching, client success packet and access to additional discounted services at PNWHW to help you reach your overall health and wellness goals!
How do they weekly GLP-1 Injections work?Semaglutide & Tirzepatide work by causing a delay of gastric emptying. This can make you feel fuller longer and decrease (suppress) your appetite. They both act like human GLP-1, in that it increases insulin secretion, thereby increasing sugar metabolism. Tirzepatide also behaves like a GIP, in that it stimulates real-time, meal-time insulin secretion We also provide complimentary weekly B12 or Slim Shot injections to help support your health, wellness and weight loss efforts.
Do your weight loss injections help with anything other than losing weight?Yes! Semaglutide & Tirzepatide (GLP-1 injectables) were originally created for those with Type 2 Diabetes and they work amazingly well with that and reducing A1c levels! Studies show that use of GLP-1 injectables in this population was shown to have an amazing impact on weight loss efforts and that is why we utilize them for this service now. GLP-1s can also lower the risk of heart attack, stroke or death in patients with Type 2 Diabetes and heart or blood vessel disease. It has also shown to help reduce fatty build-up in the liver of those with Non-Fatty Alcoholic Liver Disease (NFALD) There are many studies and information emerging about the amazing benefits of these injectables that go far beyond diabetes and weight managment!
How do I take GLP-1s for weight loss?Semaglutide & Tirzepatide (GLP-1) are a once a week injection into your subcutaneous tissue (fat tissue). You can inject into the subcutaneous tissue of your abdomen, arm or thigh. PNW Hydration & Wellness has also included a once weekly injection of our PNW Slim Shot OR our PNW B12 injection as a compliment to the GLP-1. This will help with fat burning, energy and to help mitigate any side effects that may occur such as nausea.
Are there any side effects from the weight loss injections?Yes, as with ANY medication there are always possible side effects you should be aware of. These will also be reviewed in detail at your consultation. Some of the most common side effects are; GI upset (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation) Low blood sugar Fatigue But let's not forget all of the GOOD Side effects to include but not limited to: Weight loss Diabetes control / management Appetite suppression Helps correct NAFLD (nonalcoholic fattly liver disease) Helps to reduce Inflammation Helps reduce cardiovascular risks Improving lipid disorders Reducing risk of kidney disease Lowering blood pressure SO-MUCH-MORE!
How much does it cost?The initial consultation is $350.00 and this includes a full laboratory work-up and consultation with our medical provider. After your initial consultation if it is determined that our Medical Weight Loss Program is appropriate for you then you will join our Monthly Medical Weight Loss Program Membership and the pricing depends on the medication and dose: Semaglutide starts at $300/month and can go up to $525/month depending on your individual dosing. Tirzepatide starts at $350/month and can go up to $850/month depending on your individual dosing. Repeat lab work will also be required between 3-6 months, 9-12 months and annually thereafter. The cost of repeat laboratory testing is $250.00. The monthly membership cost includes your injectable GLP-1, PNW Slim Shot OR PNW B12 injections (and all necessary supplies) monthly follow-up and support with provider and medical staff as needed. As an ACTIVE member in our Medically Managed Weight Loss Program you also qualify for discounts on additional health & wellness services offered at PNW Hydration & Wellness.
How long does a Booster Shot from the shot bar take?Our Booster Shots are intramuscular (IM) injections and typically take a few seconds to administer. The results will vary based on current health but typically become noticeable within the first few hours after administration. The benefits will depend on the individual but typically last 5-8 days on average.
Can I get both an IV Therapy and a Booster Shot from the shot bar on the same day?Absolutely! In fact, this is the ideal recommendation. Our shot bar is a great way to take advantage of your IV Therapy by adding medications, electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants to any drip that does not already include it or as a separate intramuscular (IM) injection.
Can I purchase injections and take home to do myself?Yes! We have take-home-kits available of some of our injectables. You will get all the necessary supplies, education and support you need for successfully administering to yourself at home. You will be required to come in for an initial appointment and fill out our intake forms to assess appropriateness and eligibility for take-home-kits.
How long does teeth whitening take?Our all natural laser teeth whitening is three 20 mintues sessions that are completed back to back for a total of 60 minutes of whitening. The enitre service appointment is about 75 minutes long.
What products are you using to whiten teeth?We use the DaVinci system. It is a FOOD GRADE hydrogen peroxide gel that is made in the USA. There are NO preservatives or animal products used in making this product. All natural plant and mineral based products are used.
Will my teeth be sensitive after whitening?There is little to no sensitivity or side-effects with our teeth whitening. However, everyone is different and some may experience some short-term minimal sensitivity. The good news is, we have a product that can help minimize and alleviate any sensitivity!
Will I be able to eat or drink after my teeth whitening?Before you come in to get your teeth whitened we ask that you do NOT brush your teeth for 4 hours before your service. Brushing can cause abrasions and lead to gum irritation/blanching. After your teeth whitening service we encourage you to drink lots of water and refrain from eating or drinking any other foods or beverages for 2 hours. This is beacuse your teeth will absorb the color of anything you eat or drink in the imeediate post-whitening period. However, we have a product available that when applied will provide a layer of protection on your teeth that will allow you to eat / drink whatever you desire immediately following your teeth whitening service. Ask us about this product at your appointment!
How white will my teeth get?On average most clients see a 3-5 shade difference after their first session! We have many clients who get 10 shades or more whiter as well! Our products will whiten your teeth to their whitest possible shade. Everyone's teeth respond differently and ultimately your teeth will tell us how white they will go.
Can I get my teeth whitened if I am pregnant / breastfeeding or if I have dental work, veneers, crowns, braces, etc?"YES! Our products are all natural, plant and mineral based and can be used on all kinds of dental work and hardware without damaging them. Our products are also safe for women who are pregnant, trying to become pregnant or breastfeeding!
How long will my teeth whitening results last?This is as semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that does require maintenance to keep your teeth at their whitest. To keep teeth their whitest we recommend maintenance laser teeth whitening sessions with us at least every 6 months, however, safe to do more often as desired. You can also help maintain your brightest and whitest smile with our monthly maintenance membership. This includes a single 20 minute whitening session each month*. In addition using our take home mainteninace kits and whitening pens between your maintenance sessions with us, combined with good oral hygiene and mindfulness of your use/consumption of tooth staining products (ex: red wine, coffee, smoking etc). *Must have had an initial teeth whitening session to be eligible for the monthly maintenance package.
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